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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Boob Update!

Okay, everybody: exhale. I don't think it's my turn this month.

I started spotting a little yesterday, and today I feel like I'll be getting my period any second now. Boobs are still larger than normal and a little sore, but not as firm as they were a few days ago. I think this just may have been the universe's way of f-ing with me. Maybe the universe saw how relaxed I've been over the last few months and instead of rewarding me with a pregnancy, decided that there just wasn't enough crying going on over at the TTC Hopeful house, so why not try to get my hopes up a little a lot so that they can just be CRUSHED MERCILESSLY.

Anyway, it's not over until the lady in red makes her debut (seriously... any second). But I'm looking forward again, instead of being trapped in that horrible endless cycle of "Are my boobs still sore?" Ten seconds later: "How about now?" Ten seconds later: "Now?" Ten seconds later: "What about now?" ("aaaaaggggggghhhhhh!!!!!")

So, as soon as the red lady shows, I will call my new and improved RE's office (Dr. Big Time) to let them know that I'm on CD1. On CD3 I'll go in for day 3 bloodwork. If that checks out fine (***please!***) then I'll start Lupron at the end of the cycle, wait for my period, and then start stims.

IVF!!! Hee-yah!!


  1. Like you said, its not over until she shows...and if she does make her annoying appearance at least you know the big guns are coming out very soon!! I have super high hopes for you and IVF, was really wishing you could avoid it of course...but I truly think Dr. Big Time is going to get it done!!

  2. Bummer that you didn't get your surprise BFP the cycle before IVF (well...you still could!!) I'm excited for you as you start your first IVF cycle. I'm scheduled to start stims August 8...so we might be cycle buddies. Good luck!

  3. So sorry it's looking like a bust. :( So excited for your next steps, though!!!

  4. So sorry. The boobs - they can LIE. It's so hard not to use them as a barometer (because sometimes they sure do appear to be indicating...something). But they can be tricky devils.

    BUT you are moving into an exciting new chapter. And I am crossing everything for you.
